Analogue, ISDN2 & ISDN30 voice services are end of life. You have to make plans to migrate these legacy services now!
The traditional voice services originally provided by BTs PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) are being switched off. In 2020, no new orders or amendments to existing services will be accepted. By 2025, all PSTN services (analogue voice, ISDN2 and ISDN30) will be switched off permanently.
The PSTN is no longer financially viable. Advances in connectivity and IP communications offer customers a superior, more cost effective alternative with a flexibility that cannot be matched by the legacy telecommunications network.
You can migrate your lines to SIP or convert to a hosted telephony platform.
SIP is an IP-based telephone line. It is the direct replacement for voice services previously carried by an analogue or ISDN line.
Not a problem. We can deliver your lines via SIP and then convert them back to analogue or ISDN using a converter.
Hosted telephony eliminates your telephone lines and your telephone system. You subscribe to the features of an enterprise system hosted in Mother’s datacentre. Hosted systems are rich with features that you can switch on and subscribe to on a monthly basis without any capital outlay. Hosted systems lead the trend in modern day telephony. Read more about Mother’s hosted telephony platform.
No. All of your existing numbers can be seamlessly ported to Mother.
The only prerequisite for SIP or hosted voice is a stable and uncongested internet connection. Mother specialises in unified communications solutions. We can deliver circuits to carry all of your voice and data traffic and migrate your services without any disruption to your business.
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